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Crucial negotiations on global plastics treaty

Soon there will be new UN negotiations on a global plastics treaty. A crucial step in the global fight against plastic pollution.

Zeker 220 lobbyisten van de olie- en plasticindustrie vertraagden ernstig de laatste onderhandelingen. Na 2 jaar van gesprekken zorgde eind november hun invloed ervoor dat effectieve resultaten uitbleven. 

Support for tough measures greater and stronger than ever!

The last UN summit did not bring a breakthrough, but more than 100 countries are now demanding a strong plastics treaty, despite opposition from oil-producing countries. And that's great news! We will keep fighting and preparing for the new negotiations in 2025, aimed at a strong treaty with firm consequences for non-compliant countries. We need you to do that - help us and sign our call. The more people make their voices heard, the stronger our position!

Support our call

Together with leading scientists and other campaigners, we have drafted an alternative treaty. Among other things, our plastics treaty calls for drastic reductions in plastic production starting with disposable plastics and fast fashion and a global ban on toxic additives to plastics. We call for investment in safer materials and alternative reuse systems and clarity that 'chemical recycling' is not the solution.

Make sure governments can no longer ignore us, demand systemic change. The agreements we make now will determine what our children's future looks like in 2050. Help out and sign our call! Thanks in advance!

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